Our Values | #2 Servant Leadership


We value servant leadership: the practice of leading others by taking care of their needs before your own.

True leaders are servants, true leaders empower the people around them. They don’t wield their power like a sword. They don’t make demands, they make agreements with their team. They get dirt underneath their fingernails they go shoulder to shoulder - they get in the trenches with their team, and they serve the good of the team that they get the great privilege of leading. That’s what servant leadership is. 

Do good & document it
We are your marketing department

We don’t just wait around for instructions. We make things happen.

We are a full service creative & marketing agency - serving the greater PNW & beyond with video, photography, graphic & web design, social media management, event coordination & more.


Foster's Creative

We are a full service creative & marketing agency - serving the greater PNW with video, photography, graphic design, social media management & more. Fosterscreative.com

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Fostering Creatives: Chris


Fostering Creatives: Marissa