Tips & Tricks | Creating Positive Brand Experience
It’s an age-old question, how do I get in front of new customers, new clients, how do I get in front of my target audience in new & fresh ways?
Today people are smarter than ever — consumers are smarter than they have ever been. They connect through stories. They don’t connect through advertisements & only solicitations although there is a place for that. The reality is that consumers connect over a story, they want to feel something. They want to know that you are connected at the heart level.
Find opportunities for your target audience to have positive brand experiences with you. That could be in the form of a giveaway. Maybe there is some organization or person in your community doing amazing things - tell their story and amplify their story on your pages. Allow your consumers to have a positive brand experience. After some time, just like a relationship - it takes time - trust is built, then you get an opportunity to invite them onto your services and introduce them to what you do. After you build that trust, conversion happens.
But first and foremost make sure you are balancing your solicitations with a positive, no pressure brand experience that connects at the heart level.
Connect with us, and we can help. | 253.507.7872
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